Friday, February 13, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: Persian Tales

I decided to do an extra reading exercise instead of writing an essay this week. I let fate decide my reading unit as I used the crystal ball. It led me to read the first half of the Persian Tales unit. Here are some of my favorite stories and characters from the unit:

Susku and Mushu

I liked how this story really built on itself in the end. The story really has no major plot to it but it still managed to tell an entertaining story. The continuous pain inflicted on each character at the end of the tale is what made this story in my opinion. I thought it was a very creative, albeit strange, way of putting the finishing touches on the story.

The Boy Who Became a Bulbul

I am starting to realize that every story starts and ends the same way. I feel like this is a great way to put your own subtle stamp on your stories. It could be an interesting thing to try and incorporate into my storytelling posts. At first this story kind of freaked me out with the whole boiling your own sons head and making a soup out of it but I enjoyed it at the end. The repeating of songs or rhymes in these stories is very entertaining to me.

A bulbul bird perched on a limb (Wikipedia).

The Wolf-Aunt

This story was very interesting and especially so after reading the author's note. As an old tale to try and discourage children from liking their aunt on their father's side I'm sure it worked for some. I've never really thought of telling stories to children to make them think some way other than the typical don't do bad things or this monster will get you. This story really made me sit and think about stories that I have heard when I was a kid that molded how I think today.

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