Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Reading Diary B: Santal Folklore

I finished reading the last half of the Santal Folklore unit. I found a few of my favorite stories from the reading to be the following:

The Tigers and the Cat

I like little tales like this. They describe why things are the way they are today. For instance, in this story the end tells us why tigers eat raw flesh. Also, relating to the cat, I find it amusing that most stories in this unit involve animals being tricked by what they can't help but have. In this story the cat loves the warm milk so much that he burns his paws and has to wait for the fire to burn down. This ultimately makes the tigers mad at the cat starting the whole ordeal.

The Elephant and the Ants

I also enjoy stories that have a message behind them. This story shows that just because someone is "better" than you based on whatever scale you choose, doesn't mean that they are better than you on every level of life. The ants proved this by outsmarting the "largest and most powerful animal on the face of the earth".

The Jackal and the Leopards

After reading this unit, I didn't necessarily find a favorite character but maybe a favorite character to dislike. In most of these stories the jackal is a trickster who gets all the other animals to do everything for him/her. In this story, he gets the leopards to drive a deer directly to him and he makes them kill it and then rip open the skin. After this, the jackal eats most of the deer himself leaving little for the leopards.

The Jackal waiting for the next unsuspecting animal to be tricked (Wikipedia).

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