Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Reading Diary B: Tales from the Congo

I finished reading the Congo unit today. I kept notes on my favorite stories and characters throughout my reading and mentioned them here as a blog post.

The Antelope and the Leopard

In this story I was first confused as to why they suddenly just left the story about the antelope and leopard hiding from each other. I was amused to find at the end that the antelope had tricked the leopard and ended up making good on his word that he would take his life. Another thing I liked was how the Congo used this story to explain why leopards now kill antelopes when they meet one.

The Rabbit and The Antelope

I find it amusing that the animals who are the tricky and manipulating ones within this unit are not ones you would expect. They have been turtles and rabbits instead of wolves or jackals. I found it amusing in this story that the rabbit kept running off to eat the food instead of working while he used the excuse of having to name his children. The fact that he used names like "Uncompleted-One" and "Half-Completed-One" when the antelope asked what names he had chosen was funny because he was referring to the share of their food he had eaten.

Why The Crocodile Does Not Eat The Hen

I found this to be one of my favorite stories from the unit just because of pure humor. I found it funny to think of the crocodile being a large and viscous animal and being so intimidating just to be confused because the hen calls him/her brother. Lucky for the hen!

Crocodile who is later confused by the Hen (Wikipedia)

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