Friday, January 30, 2015

Pirates from the Golden Age of Piracy: Styles Brainstorm

My Storybook project will be about Pirates from the Golden Age of Piracy. I would like to find three or four characters with major stories or events that can connect them all. I have already found three characters that can all be connected in Calico Jack, Anne Bonny, and Mary Read. I want to describe how all three became pirates and also their ultimate capture and demise. I would like all stories that I tell to revolve a major event in the piracy timeline. There are plenty of stories on Wikipedia and Golden Age of Piracy with books and online sources. Both sites have dedicated sections to separate big name pirates that I could add to the storybook.

1. Of Captain Jack Rackham, and his Crew, from A General History of the Pyrates, by C. Johnson (1724).

Possible Styles:

Jack Rackham as a First Person Storyteller
Since he was the captain of the ship that both Anne Bonny and Mary Read were part of the crew of it would be logical to let Jack Rackham tell their stories from his point of view. I was even thinking of maybe telling the story from his point of view but him in disguise as if he somehow escaped his punishment of death and has been leading a secret life ever since...

The Pirate Ships or the Jolly Roger Flag as the Storyteller
In one of my earlier storytelling posts I used an inanimate object as the storyteller. I feel like using the different pirate ships that "Calico" Jack was captain of to tell the story could be a great idea. I picture an old shipyard with run down ships telling their own "war" stories. Jack Rackham is also credited with flying the first Jolly Roger flag so that could also be another object that could tell the stories of "Calico" Jack and his crew.

Twisting the Ending
This somewhat builds of my idea of having Jack Rackham somehow staging his hanging and leading another life somewhere. I just think this would be a very cool way to end the story. I could possibily have Captain Rackham, Anne Bonny, and Mary Read all somehow tricking everyone and slipping off in the middle of a dark night to start their legacies all over again as new pirates.

Stories told by New Age Pirates
I can picture new pirates all sitting around drinking rum together and telling all the old stories they grew up being told in a bar. Possibly  having a bartender who has been around forever telling these new pirates how it used to be in the Golden Age of Piracy would be a great way to tell the stories of Captain Jack Rackham and his mates.

The capture of "Calico" Jack and his ship, the William (Wikipedia).

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