Thursday, January 22, 2015

Storybook Topics Brainstorm

Topic: Pirates from the Golden Age of Piracy (1690-1730)
Comments: I really enjoy movies that focus on pirates (Pirates of the Caribbean) and also played video games that involve playing as a pirate character.
Possible Stories: I know that Blackbeard is one of the most well known pirates as the name seems to appear in every movie and book I have ever read including pirates. I would like to learn about other pirates that were relevant in that time alongside Blackbeard.
Sample Story Comments: I looked for websites and books that had stories relating to pirates. On I found a list of many different pirates and there were many stories on each of them. I found out that "Calico" Jack Rackham was the first to fly the popular flag associated with pirates today.
Bibliography Information:
Sample Story: 'Calcio' Jack Rackham
Book Title: A General History of the Pyrates
Book Author: C. Johnson
Year: 1724

The Jolly Roger first flown by "Calico" Jack except he used swords instead of bones (Wikipedia Commons).
Topic: Legends of Dragons Around the World
Comments: I have seen movies and read books that have lots of dragons in them and I have also read many fairy tales that have a princess being saved from a great dragon. I am interested in what more in depth legends about dragons are out there.
Possible Stories: Many stories were found on the Sacred Texts archives. I could include the stories of Beowulf and possibly that of Saint George.
Sample Story Comments: I read the story of Beowulf and the dragon he slayed. While researching more I found that most often stories including dragons depicted them as a figurehead for the Devil.
Bibliography Information:
Sample Story: Beowulf and the Dragon
Book Title: Teutonic Myth and Legend
Book Author: Donald A. Mackenzie
Year: 1912

Topic: Mythical Sea Monsters from Around the World
Comments: I have always been interested in the Lochness monster since I was young and the sample post got my brain thinking about the mystery again! There are sure to be lots of other stories such as this that could be incorporated into my storybook.
Possible Stories: I would of course write about the Lochness monster and add stories about the Kraken, sea serpents such as Thor's nemesis Jormungandr, and others. There are lots of different sea monsters that are thought to be out there!
Sample Story Comments: I am not the biggest comic book fan but have seen all the Marvel movies that have come out recently and found Thor to be one of my favorite superheroes. I was surprised to learn that Thor fought a sea serpent named Jormungandr. This gives me an idea to tell the stories of these sea creatures from the point of view of the heroes that tried to slay them.
Bibliography Information:
Sample Story: Jormungandr
Website: Wikipedia

Topic: The Adventures and Conquests of Poseidon
Comments: Once again, I am intrigued by Greek Mythological Heroes and Gods. Poseidon was one of the Twelve Olympians and has many stories to read and choose from.
Possible Stories: The War of the Titanes, the Division of the Cosmos, his role in the Trojan War, and many others that I found on
Sample Story Comments: I researched Poseidon a little and found that in addition to being the god of the sea he was also the god of horses and earthquakes. I read this to get more background on Poseidon. He seems to be in constant fits with Zeus so that could be an interesting topic to include.
Bibliography Information:
Sample Story: Tales of Poseidon


  1. Hi Will, just a quick note since I happened to see this blog post pop up in my feed reader... you've tried to remote link to a Pixabay image, but they don't allow that:
    What you need to do is just grab a copy of the image and upload it, and that will work perfectly. Here's how:
    Upload and Insert Image

  2. Image is working now, Will - perfect! I'll send back comments on the ideas with links to look at etc. etc. via the email. :-)
