Thursday, March 5, 2015

Commenting Review Week

Usually when I am leaving a short comment on a classmate's writing I usually like to focus on the flow of the story. I focus on whether the story seems to jump around from point to point or if there is clear efficient transition between points. After that, I like to add in my comment what I liked about the story and then possibly something I would have done differently or what could be added to really pull the story together.
When making longer comments, I tend to look at what I mentioned above first and then move on to paragraph structure and wording. When I read stories I like the paragraphs to be smaller and more concise. If there are long paragraphs in a story or post I feel like I'm reading a lab report or something even when the material is still easily readable. The length of the paragraph just makes me automatically start thinking its going to hard to comprehend. Another thing I look for is wording. If a certain style is used at the beginning of the story it should be used throughout. It makes readings a little awkward if the style does a complete 180 degree turn in the middle of the story.
The hardest part about commenting is criticizing. I feel like this is tough because sometimes I don't know if I'm completely right or it is just a matter of personal preference. Many times I have read through previous comments where they praise what I was about to criticize. I usually just say what I have to say and let the person decide for themselves what they would like to do.



    It's awesome to see that you're in the class, too. I hope you're enjoying it so far!

    Anyway, your post was really insightful, especially regarding paragraph length, plot consistency, and word choice. Those are three things that I often look for when reading different stories throughout the class, and I think that paragraph choice is probably the most important. It gives a certain pacing to the story.

    Regarding criticism and differences among people's responses to various writing styles, I agree completely. It's strange that what "works" for one person seems atrocious to another.

    Talk to you later!

  2. Will,
    I totally agree with you on the whole criticism thing. It's definitely the hardest part because I also don't know where the line is on whether my criticism stems from it being just personal preference/opinion, or from actual grammatical structure and syntax! I think it's wise to just throw out your opinion even if it seems to disagree with another person's comments!

  3. I totally agree with what you pointed out about how commenting can be difficult because we are including our personal opinions. However, I think at the same time that’s something that the author seeks to benefit from. The saying is true, that you can never make everyone happy. However, you can sometimes incorporate the ideas of others into your story and still have a nice flow!
