Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Reading Diary B: Eskimo Folk-Tales

Today I finished up the second half of the Eskimo Folk-Tale unit reading. I tried to focus my reading diary post on stories I could see myself writing a storytelling post about. Below I have written my favorite stories I read and the corresponding notes I took.

Papik, Who Killed His Wife's Brother

This read like something from a horror movie for me. There was plenty of blood, guts, and gore to go around throughout the story. I found it a little odd that this was a story told by fathers to their children to warn them of killing their fellow man, although, I'm sure it was very effective. The most interesting part of the story was that the men who finally killed the monster could tell it was the old woman's coverlet as the skin and the bones were that of a human. I haven't tried to incorporate a horror story into my writing yet so this could be a story to try.

Atdlarneq, The Great Glutton

This story was entertaining from the beginning as it described the villain or main antagonist of the story is a large man with copper cheeks. Also, it was funny that the punishment or obstacle to be overcome for Atdlarneq was that he must eat and eat until he was about to explode. I could possibly change this story around to make the main antagonist have a different part of his body to golden such as his fists or arms and have Atdlarneq compete in a different competition.

A feast for Atdlarneq (Wikipedia).

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