Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Reading Review Week

Looking back I can see that my reading diary posts in the beginning were more detailed and focused on more than just favorite stories. I feel like I should possibly return to that way of note-taking. I don't think my storytelling posts have suffered from this but I think if I go back to how I was taking notes throughout my earlier posts then it will make it easier for me to recall things I want to include in my storytelling. There hasn't been a time yet where I didn't use my reading diary posts to aid in my storytelling assignments. So I feel like if I start taking more detailed reading diary notes it will definitely help.
In regards to the actual note taking, I have found it is much easier for me to do the complete reading and then go back and the stories I remember the most vividly I decide to take notes on. Also, while reading I make little mental notes about things I could see myself using for my storytelling post. This makes it easier to enjoy the reading instead of stopping every few minutes to write out notes for the reading diary.
So far, my favorite units have been from the first two weeks when I read the Homer's Illiad unit. I liked the fact that the stories were a little longer and the characters lasted throughout the unit (for the most part). This made it easier for me to get invested in the story itself and find which characters appealed to me the most and those that didn't. My favorite character, Patroclus, is pictured below and I selected this picture because he has actually been my favorite character in the readings to date.

My favorite character from the Homer's Illiad unit, Patroclus. Photo taken by D. & M. Hill (Flikr).

I don't really read that much for other classes so I have enjoyed how this class has given me the chance to read and keep improving and using that skill. I have always enjoyed reading for pleasure and these readings have done a good job of letting me do that while also working on my reading skills.

1 comment:

  1. Will!
    I also really loved the Iliad unit! Patrocleus was definitely entertaining! I can see where you are coming from on the note-taking. I do it the same way by reading the whole unit and then going back to reference the stories I most enjoyed. I agree that note-taking would help when going back to comment on the stories. The only problem is that I don't really jot down notes often, but maybe even writing my post as I read and commenting as I go would help, who knows? Best of luck to you the rest of the semester. Two months!
