Monday, March 23, 2015

Reading Diary A: Eskimo Folk-Tales

This week I decided to read the Eskimo Folk Tales unit. I chose the unit because I wanted to read about some sort of monsters and paranormal activity. This unit had plenty of that and after reading the first half I was able to think about some of my favorite stories thus far.

The Woman Who had a Bear as a Foster-Son

I thought this story was entertaining because it reminded me of a story like My Dog Skip or some other movie that involves beloved pets that were taken in as small animals. The thought of a bear being someone's pet was crazy to think about and my initial thought that it would get to big and strong for it to stay with woman were confirmed in the end. I could see myself writing a storytelling post about this but possibly inserting a different animal in place of a bear.

Bear Cub (Pixabay)

The Giant Dog

This somewhat reminded me of the story above. The thought of a giant animal, a dog in this case, belonging as a pet to someone seems like it will end the same in all these stories. At some point or another these animals get to big and strong and bring harm to strangers. I could take these grisly endings and possibly turn it into a story with a happy ending. Maybe include a large animal as a pet that ends up saving a village from another giant foe or something along those lines.

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