Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Extra Reading: Blackfoot Unit

I decided to read the Blackfoot unit this week for an extra reading instead of writing an essay. I picked this unit specifically because I wanted to read some legend type stories and I think I picked a pretty good unit to do so.

The Wolf Man

This story reminded me of the old tale about a baby being brought up by wolves. I thought at first that it would possibly be a scary story about how the werewolf came to be or something like that but was pleasantly surprised. I also liked how the village did not end up punishing the man-wolf and ended up punishing his two wives for trying to frame his murder.

The Buffalo Stone

I can picture writing a storytelling post about this but instead of a buffalo stone using it as maybe a heads up penny you find lying on the ground that is supposed to bring you good luck. I can also picture this story being told to the young children among the Blackfoot when they first ask why the family is so happy to find a Buffalo Stone. I was really interested in the process of finding the Buffalo Stone. It was alluring to find out that if the Blackfoot hear a bird's chip they know that a Buffalo Stone is close by.

The Rolling Rock

This story made me laugh because I could picture an old man running for his life as a large boulder rolled down a hill after him. It reminded me of some cartoon you would find that included Bugs Bunny or other Looney Tunes character.

"Balanced Rock" found in the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, Colorado (Wikipedia).

1 comment:

  1. I commented on your intro a while back, so I chose this post for my second comment because I always have a hard time choosing which unit to read. It's interesting to get a look at different units. All of the stories you wrote about seem really interesting. I also like the idea you had for a storytelling post based on The Buffalo Stone. The picture you chose for the last story is also good and your comments make me want to read the story!
