Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Writing Review Week

Looking back on the writing I've done for this class I feel like my best storytelling post was in Week 2 when I wrote Achilles' Great Armour. It involved a story containing my favorite character in the units thus far, Patroclus, so it made it easy to think and write a well rounded story. I also think it might have been the best use of my imagination as I used the armour of Achilles as the storyteller. I also wrote an essay post over Patroclus and I think that was one of my better writing posts as well. The picture below is from my storytelling post I mentioned and depicts Patroclus killing Sarpedon with his spear.
Patroclus' spear embedding in Sarpedon as he lay dead (Wikipedia).

By reading and commenting on other student's storytelling posts I have seen many ideas that I want to incorporate into the second half of the semester. I think it will test me enough as a writer to try and do some writing styles I've never thought of that it well be a rewarding experience.
I think the best feedback I can get is when I am told I'm somewhat rushing an ending or not spending enough time on certain aspects of the story that need greater detail. I tend to write a lot at the beginning of the post containing detailed storytelling and then when I get to the main part of the story, which should have the most detail probably, I sometimes rush through it. I want to work on this in the second half of the semester and improve my writing.

1 comment:

  1. I remember reading that storytelling post. You wrote it from the perspective of the armor and I was really impressed. The fact that that post was from week 2 and I still remember it really says something. Your writing skills are spot on and you continue to be creative in your storytelling. I hope you're successful in achieving your goal to focus your writing skills!
